Sunday, June 12, 2011

Who's Ready For More Sales? C Level Sales Management | Business ...

?When the student is ready the teacher will appear.?

The other day, a board member was lamenting on the poor performance of his company. So I said, ?You should hire me to help your company get more sales.? To which he replied, ?Not right now, Sam. The timing?s not right.? So I said, ?Timing?? Let me ask you, if you could get more sales, would that help your company?s performance?? He of course said, ?Yes.?

So I ask you, and every other business person ? Is now the right time to seek help? ?Yes it is.? Why, because you need it. If you didn?t and you knew what to do, you would have done it, and more sales wouldn?t be an issue.

Reasons Management Doesn?t Seek Help

I scratch my head daily and wonder why in this time of sales shortfalls most don?t invest and seek selling help. In fact, it?s just the opposite. All consultants are terminated. Marketing budgets are slashed. Prices are cut, and sales people and managers are laid off.

Here are some reason?s why:

Can?t Afford It

There is not enough money to support staff and other expenses because sales are down . Two options ? increase revenues or cut expenses. Since most don?t know how to increase revenues, they cut expenses ? especially the revenue producing ones. My suggestion is to learn how to increase revenues. Hire people and make it performance based.

The Economy Is Bad ? Nobody Is Buying

Right And Wrong ? the economy is worse than ever, but people and companies are still buying. I love to use this, ? Unemployment is 10.5%. However, employment is 89.5% and that?s a much bigger number. The essence of The Economy Is Bad concept is that you and your people only hold your own against competition. In other words, you don?t know how to steal share. The economy goes up, you sell more. The economy goes down, you sell less, because you keep or lose share. My suggestion is learn how to attract you competitors? customers and get you customers to spend.

What Will Others Say

I call this ?social results? and it is a buying triggers. It is a key element of buyers? psyches. Managers think, ?What will people say if I spend money hiring consultants or on revenue producing initiatives, when I am laying-off people?? ?My boss will fire me.? ?The board will go crazy.? ?Shareholders and employees will feel I?m out of control.?

You?re right. As long as sales continue to go down ? bosses, board members, shareholders, employees, etc. will think all of those thoughts, with or without you?re your hirings or spendings, until sales go up.

Now in the cloisters of your mind you?re hoping they?re thinking, ?He reduced expenditures during this downturn.? Well, here are two arguments: One ? people don?t praise your efforts to minimize damages. All they will think about are the damages. Two ? retrenching (spending nothing and cutting expenditures) is similar to saying, ?Dig the foxhole deeper boys and girls, more bombs are coming in.? A better command would be, ?Let?s run for safety,? or ?Let?s attack the bombers.? Cutting your revenue generation supply lines is not attacking or running for safety. It?s more about covering your behind.

What to Do.

Managing Your Time

Many salespeople experience the same problems. They feel overworked, disorganised and stressed out, with no control of their lives. Yet there are others who have somehow found ?a better way!? The great news is that so can you. Time Management and planning is a skill that with time, effort and coaching can be mastered.

You need to truly understand that there are two simple, yet tough rules to dealing with time management and planning.

  • You can?t manage time, you can only manage yourself
  • Focus and concentrate on results, not on being busy

Many salespeople waste their days in frantic activity achieving very little because they are simply not focused on the right things. The highest achievers, both in sales and other walks of life from business to sport to entertainment and public service, all have developed the skill and capability of focusing on and doing what must be done!

Most salespeople fall into one of these three categories, but of course, combinations and variations are always possible. Effective sales force management requires any business owner/sales manager to identify and recognize the individual strengths and weaknesses of their sales people, and the best way to do that is to pay attention to how they relate to each other, to potential clients, to you, and to the duties of their jobs. By encouraging their strengths and helping them to improve on their weaknesses, you will be well on your way towards creating a more effective sales force

Matthew Carey Presents the following posts How to Compare Debt Consolidators.
Debt Consolidators Programs In NY
Debt Consolidators ? How You Can Avoid Being Cheated By Debt Relief Companies? business


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