Thursday, July 19, 2012

Reasons marriages fail for women - Relationship 101



reasons marriages fail for women

There are reasons, as to why marriages fail for women. Men and women, unfortunately, ?may view marriage differently from each other. I am not a relationship expert but I believe, the differences in gender beliefs, contributes to marital issues for women. ?Since both genders are opposite of each other,?their views on gender roles, may also differ. ?Here are the top marital issues, I believe, are the reasons,?why?marriages fail for women.


?Marital issues for women



Because of a man?s cultural beliefs, and misinterpretation, of what a marriage stands for, many husbands direct abuse upon their wives. ?Many husbands, unfortunately, make the?mistake of thinking, that a marriage gives them ownership of their wives. Many believe that they have the right to treat their wives, any way they wish. ?Abuse is one?marital issue and reason, as to?why marriages fail.



Women are givers but unfortunately, ?many husbands are takers. Some husbands, unfortunately, make the mistake of thinking, that women are here, just to benefit them. ?A woman doesn?t get married, just to benefit her husband. They get married, to benefit from their husbands, as well. ?A husband who thinks only of himself, will negatively effect his marriage. Many husbands, unfortunately are selfish, when it comes to money and many will hide or withhold it from their wives. ?A man?s selfishness, is another marital issue?that can cause a?marriage to fail.


?lack of equality

Most wives believe in equality when it comes to their marriage relationships. There are many husbands, however, that do not agree. ?If a husband?does not give his wife equal respect, consideration and say, in the marriage, she will feel as if she isn?t important. ?Equality is necessary, in order to sustain a relationship.?Many husbands, unfortunately, make the mistake of thinking, that their spouses are beneath them. They will unfortunately, treat their spouses as if, they do not deserve equal treatment.


?taken for granted

Women are naturally giving but unfortunately, many men will take advantage of a woman?s giving spirit. ?If a man takes a woman?s giving heart, for granted, she will lose interest in her husband. ?Many men,?unfortunately, expect their wives, to serve and clean up after them.?A wife will lose interest in her husband, if she is treated like a servant, instead of his wife. ?A woman did not get?married, to be a servant. ?If a wife is being taken for granted, by her husband, she may begin to wonder, why she is married.



A woman knows that she must maintain her marriage relationship. Some men unfortunately, make the mistake of thinking, that they no longer have to maintain their relationships, after marriage. ?If a husband neglects his wife, the chances are good, that she will eventually end her marriage.



Infidelity is one of the most common reasons why marriages fail for both, genders. ?A wife, however, will try to make a go of their marriage, after infidelity. ?A woman?s ?marriage will fall apart, if her husband, continues on with the affair.



Incompatibility is another reason why marriages fail. If a husband and wife have no common interest or goals, they may begin to live separate lives, which will eventually cause them to become permanently distant.


? Unrealistic expectations?


Unfortunately, some men have unrealistic expectations, of their wives, after marriage. ?Unfortunately, many begin to treat their wives, differently after marriage. ??Some have unrealistic expectations and expect their wives to clean up after them, cook and serve them dinner, take care of the children, keep the house tidy and maintain their sex appeal. Some expect their wives to endure emotional and physical abuse. Many expect their wives to accept the inequality they direct upon them. Unfortunately, these?unrealistic expectations?contribute to many marital issues for wives, which?may cause them to end their marriages. Unfortunately, theses are the major marital issues that can turn a marriage into a divorce.

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